729 Colors

729 Colors
Julia Samuels, 729 Colors, 2023
Three color etching with aquatint
Plate size: 15”x15”
Paper size: 21” x 21.5”
25 Artists Proofs
Printed and published by the artist at Overpass Projects
729 Colors by Julia Samuels is an aquatint etching printed and published by the artist in 2023. The image is comprised of a 27x27 grid of squares showing one example each of every possible color combination made from printing 3 different plates containing 9 tones each. Mimicking in print the regimented color mixing logic Gerhard Richter employed in his many color grid paintings, Samuels has created an etching that shows the brilliant expanse of colors possible while being most conservative and efficient using aquatint plates by maximizing overlaps and earned colors.
Also by Julia Samuels